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Dawid Piaskowski

I create stuff. BookLikes.



— feeling booklikes

Goodbye Thursday release: bigger & better changes are coming our way

Reblogged from BookLikes:
— feeling booklikes

Thursday used to be 'the day' on BookLikes. Each week, we have been releasing a new feature for our users that was in a great matter based on the feedback you had provided. This has helped the platform to evolve over these past few years. THANK YOU for all the time and effort you have given in!


As a result of numerous heated discussions and some serious brainstorming, here at the BL hub, we have decided that there will no longer be any more, let them rest in peace, Thursday releases. Instead, we are moving on towards bigger & better, simply more efficient service.


However, changes like that need research and serious thinking through (blackboard drawing, shouting, loads and loads of coffee drinking, coding, but yes, planning first) and that means keeping up with new releases every Thursday will not be possible. This time, we want to introduce a simultaneous uplift to the whole platform. 


This does not mean an overnight revolution and will take good few months to deliver. We now must put all the efforts into making what we got more compatible and focus on the User Experience.


We want more of Your support


revolutionIt must be some sort of a true connection (and sorry everybody, but this is a little creepy, isn't it?), a few days ago our users have started a think tank amongst them selves that would tackle their user experience issues on BookLikes.


This is a truly amazing initiative and you made us want to work harder and do things better. This is a true power of the feedback we have been always talking about! We will be using your discussions and ideas to improve some of the main BookLikes features.


Expect us to lurk through stuff you write in your discussions over the improvement and throw some (possibly weird) questions, from time to time.


The fact that, we will now concentrate on this major refurbishment does not mean we won't assist in bug fixing and user support. We are here to amend any errors that might occur (or already had). You know how to contact us, also the bug discussion is being checked on a daily basis, so report any problems same as usual.